One woman's path through doula training, childrearing, and a computer science Ph. D. program

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Movie review: Orgasmic Birth

Orgasmic Birth, directed by Debra Pascali-Bonaro

My score


The continuum: Theatre - Matinee - Rental - Discount rental - Library

I would watch this movie in the theatre.

Amazon link

My review

This documentary is about the empowering birth experience. The catchy title draws you in, doesn't it? And yes, they show a real live orgasm. But that's not all that it's about. It's about how many women --- more than meets the eye --- can enjoy childbirth and allow the natural process to empower themselves. The woman is reborn into a mother as the child enters the world.

Like The Business of Being Born, this movie takes a look at modern obstetric care and is appalled at the devolution we as a nation have taken.

I watched this movie at the recent gathering of the local birth professionals community. I brought my son. I was so happy to see other women bringing their (albeit older) children to see what a birth looks like. Birth education is one of the fundamental things we as a nation lack.

I will watch this movie again... without the interruptions by a four-month-old that won't sit still.

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